The crown for the world’s cheesiest pizza has been taken by this cheese king pizza. Holding in one hundred and fifty-four (154) kinds of cheese, this monster was at first believed to be only a myth, an impossibility but its creator Johnny Di Francesco, of 400 Gradi, a restaurant in Melbourne, Australia, did not dwell on the impossibility of the task he rather took it as a challenge.
Before Johnny, there was a previous holder of this record a pizza with one hundred and eleven (111) kinds of cheese, but Johnny was confident because he created a similar feat before with a ninety-nine (99) cheese pizza, inspired by the cartoon character in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Donatello referring to a pizza with a ninety-nine (99) different cheese combination as a “culinary impossibility”, after that he decided to tackle the challenge and added it to his restaurant’s menu after its creation. “We had an overwhelming response from our customers, so much so that they petitioned to have it a permanent menu item,” explained Johnny. Since then we decided to up the ante and create a 154-cheese pizza. So my apologies Donatello, culinary impossibility debunked!”
From their previous achievement of ninety-nine (99) cheese pizza, they were eager to beat the current record holder with their own cheese king pizza monster goodness of one hundred and fifty-four world record-breaking pizza. In a statement by Di Francesco, he said “We also needed to be sure each individual cheese was distinct enough from the next, yet complementary to each flavour, and could blend really well together once combined. The cheeses included the likes of gorgonzola, pecorino, Taleggio, aged cheddar, gouda and of course, many more!”
After the first pizza was made-with just a gram of each type of cheese-Di Francesco’s 400 Gradi made it possible for various locations of Australia to taste their achievement, but to be able to do this 400 Gradi melted down the remaining cheese into a single block containing a hundred and fifty-four (154) types of cheese.
In a matter of just five days, a seven hundred and ninety-seven pizza sold was recorded. Di Francesco stated that “Many [people] were completely overwhelmed and in awe of course; watching my customers’ facial expressions as they took their first bite into a slice of cheesy goodness—well, that reaction is priceless.”
While Di Francesco is certainly satisfied with the events after his achievement and his customers are certainly happy tasting his latest masterpiece.